Actually, I did not feel relax in those 9 days because I have lots of papers due after the vocation.

I went to the Oklahoma city, national and state park, casino, memorial museum, and wild animal field.

You can see the pictures on my picture website.

I like the memorial museum so much but felt sorrowful.

This museum is for memorizing the people who death in the terrorized attack on 04/19/1995 at Oklahoma federal office building.

Unfortunately, I can not take pictures. Details of this terrorize are described by pictures, words, media, and recorder which show the situation before and after the event.

These terrorists of this attack are all American, which I was shocked.

On the other hand, I love nature.

So this time, we went to state and national park for forgetting massing things in our life.

The first time casino experience was very funny, because we had not been to casino before.

No one knew how to use the card to play, but we, finally, won a little bonus for our dinner.

My next trip will start on May 19th to Grand Canyon and Phoenix. Gogogo

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