I was so nervous when I went to MLK center to propagate our group. 

the feeling was like that the first time 大嘴 and I went to 東勢 community
sitting in our sits and waiting to community members and workers discussed our program.

However, this time, I went with my neighber,,家誠......thank You soooo Much


I am still a Taiwaness.....

Although I am outgoing girl, I don't like Americans. 

they can always say hi even though they don't know each other.

家誠encouraged me to try....because不成功也不會成仁

the first time doing a new staff is always difficult for me.

I like challenges but not like this......I dont know what I am typing lol.....

this try is good....
my english is 7766 ,,,,,,,when I were nervous
good try good respond

keep going
god bless



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