
It's the day

4 years ago, I bought myself a ticket and flought from Taipei to LA

I waved to my grandmom before I went into the elevator in front of my appartment that morning,

which is the last time I saw my grandmom.

I remembered the day my family took my to the airport and said goodbye to me.

i remembered I saved 10 NT in order to make the last call after I went through the security.

I left my tears in the country and my love.


four years went by.

everything in my life changed.

Fortunately, I am still myself...true to myself.

I remembered the promise I made on the bala before I went.

I have done something.

at least, i can say that I keep my promise.


what things i learn in the US if you ask?

I learn how to be independent, make my dreams come true, be myself, and share my life.

on the other hand, I lose a lot.

I felt in my relationship, lose the changes to go home all the time, separated from my friends in Taiwan, 

 lose the change to say goodbye to my grandmoms and my uncle. 


I smile..I cry...

I listened to ....I received Love...

tones of tones things are forgetful in my life.

i am appreciate the experience...

my world is broader

and I wish it will be wider.


4 years later

now I am ready to move forward

I knew

If I am in negative feeling

that maybe something i have to make it different.

when i regrade, I won't feel embarrassed to apologize or take it in.

Life is moving to the direction no matter is forward or backward.

I am ready for the change again.

and this time, I know I have lots of support just because I have love around me.


Thank You All

who have been helping me in these 4 years



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