thrst of all.....

I am sorry...this post will be writen in English....(這篇文章我也寫英文低 請要查字典的大家 辛苦點)

If you need a dictionary to check the words...please do so


This week, I was up and down...

I did not pass the NCE again....and Just lost one point in order to pass it.

It's frustrated. I even do not know that I have a courage to retake it or not.

However, I received so much encourage from the person I did not know very well and the person I am really familiar with.

How interesting is that???

A family, whom I met once in a gathering during my mom visiting....

and....we met again this morning....this gathering had made in my plan 11pm last night.


I am thanksful for provide me (don't think about other..this is who are reading this article now)

To All my dear  American friends....

You are so nice to provide me love and support.

You gave me the reason to come back Denton becuase I know here is my home.

I am appriciated your time and words, which strength me keep moving forward and not be affaired.

I don't know where is the next step, but I know I will remember you and you will always in my mind.


Dad and Mom

Thanks for being with me mentally and supporting me throught the difficult year.

I had a bad temper sometimes and was sad....

But I know it's a process and transitional point...

I won't give up..

Love you


your sweet daugther.


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