
教會朋友家的聚餐  rose評比大賽

還要Rex 家 瘋狂wii之夜 road house 

還有cassie小妹生日 喝酒攤

外出買菜 菜比人多
that's lots of events happened in my current life
Do you see what I miss?
that's right " studying"

因為期中考 一個禮拜 都放假
老師讓我們在家寫報告 ....so You can image what the XX papers and exams look like.
However, I am a good student. thus, I had finished all of them before thusday.
other five days of last week are my holiday. ~~autumn break.

I was happy because I got the chance to take a rest and keep going on my porjects.
But I didn't  spend much time on reading this week....lazy....
Although reading is most part of my maste life, the great feeling reveal only when I study harder.
the more I read, the shorter I feel.~~是這樣說的ㄇ??

anyway, life backs to nomal.
see you in Taiwan soon.


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